Known as a bio-communication scan, the ZYTO Wellness Scan enables a computer to communicate with your body, gathering information and readings on your overall health. This information is used to personalize your therapy based on your needs, whether it be better nutrition, massage therapy, or muscle healing in some manner.
When the perception of the world around us gets fuzzy, our minds and bodies react accordingly. In many cases, dysfunction and irregulation occur, clouding our judgement and the way we move within the world around us. Eventually, this dysfunction leads to destructive behaviors that only the EVOX Scan can pick up and regulate. With this method, we can painlessly and quickly shift your mind’s perspective, producing a more happier, healthier you.
Salt Therapy
Salt therapy has been around since the 12th Century, so the practice is nothing new. What is new is our approach and the chamber we use for such a healing method. We utilize a smaller chamber, which allows us to increase the concentration of salt, resulting in better and faster healing. Salt therapy is great for people with allergies, lung issues, skin disorders, and stress.